Our Up Coming

The ESAS run monthly meetings with guest speakers. We also hold star parties, observing groups, outreach and social events. The up coming meeting speakers are shown to the right/below.

To see the detailed list of talks, click here...
Prof William Joyce

Speaker: William Joyce

Weird and Wonderful Worlds : A Whistlestop Tour of the Outer Planets

A guided tour around the strange, alien worlds of the outer Solar System with stunning imagery of places and processes which challenge and expand our current understanding.

Many unfamiliar and totally alien worlds have now been explored by robotic spacecraft. This talk will present amazing images and discuss unusual and fascinating facts about each Giant Planet and some bizarre moons, a few of which could even harbour life.

Thursday 6th March 2025 at 8:00pm

Doors open: 7:30pm

Meeting at Egerton Park Indoors Bowls Club


about esas

Our aim is simple, we want people to enjoy astronomy and feel welcome to join in our activities. We meet on the first Thursday of each month (excluding May & August) at Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club, Egerton Road, Bexhill, East Sussex TN39 3HL.

MEETINGS Doors open 7.30 pm, meetings start at 8 pm and take the form of an ESAS update, the main speaker, break for coffee and then night sky update and / or any further talks.
SOCIAL Each August, in place of our meeting, the Society holds its annual BBQ.
OBSERVINGESAS has it own observatory with a 16" telescope which is available for members use. We also have a range of telescopes which members can use..
MEETING ENTRANCE In the current venue we ask for an entry donation (£2 members/£4 non-members) to help cover costs.
MEMBERSHIPWe have members of all ages whose abilities range from beginners to seasoned astronomers. Non members are welcome at our meetings and new members will receive a copy of the ESAS magazine, Albedo, and a welcome pack from the Society.

what our members are saying

  • Really like the friendly club. It's well run and they get fantastic speakers to attend.
    Excellent speakers on a regular basis and a very well run and well organised society.
  • Friendly people, interesting talks, a good evening out – in the warm and dry!”
    An enthusiastic, friendly bunch
  • Socialising, Networking, Assistance, Closeness to like minded people. Meeting with like minded people with who I can share my interests in person Many people in the amateur astronomy hobby like to share the experience with others.  
    The talks always stretch the little grey cells and get my son to put down his phone for a while  
  • ESAS meetings are enjoyable and very informative for amateur astronomers. Members swap information with each other to assist with understanding astronomy.
    Where else can you go to expand your mind on the wonders of the Universe!


get in touch and say hello to us!



Find us

Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club,
Egerton Road,
Bexhill, East Sussex,
TN39 3HL


May Meeting:
Venue to be announced


Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 8pm to 10pm

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